Wednesday 17 February 2021

Alrightgames: Splendor


2014 / Economic card game / 2-4 players / France


There was still space on the games shelf, a need for some diversity among the deckbuilders and a few days of December left before the year/decade of austerity began,* so I traced the dodgy eBay sellers back to their source and picked out a few forgeries of titles I wouldn't have been interested enough to risk being disappointed by at full price, but are jeopardy-free at £3.79 (unless you have any ethics or values or something).

Its bourgeois pseudohistorical theme is unappetising icing on the basic maths, but it beats playing Monopoly again, I suppose. I upgraded the cardboard tokens with a child's coloured plastic gems to add superficial appeal and fool me into wasting time every once in a while.

Update: Finally got around to playing it and enjoyed the same satisfying sense of seeing the strategies unfold as with Backgammon. Next time I might even get all the rules right.

* After a few days off, I continued to buy things in January regardless. Austerity begins in February, definitely. Update: Whoops.