Monday 15 February 2021

Alrightgames: Ascension Theme Pack – Rat King

Ascension: Theme Pack – Rat King

2010 / Deckbuilding card game booster pack / 2+ players / USA


I'm normally repelled by the booster business model that tempts fans to subscribe indefinitely for more of the same game they already have. But this rat bastard (and his loyal horde) was my favourite foe in the digital game, and I estimated my analogue games being about 25% more fun with a Rat Nest side deck when I negotiated an offer for the transatlantic import of what's ultimately a 12-card booster pack, like children buy to get Pokemons, except with just the two repeating cards.

It's crossing a line, but since it was entirely funded by selling spare components from my other discounted sets, I think I got away with it this time. But I'm watching me.