Wednesday 20 January 2021

Alrightgames: The Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck

The Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck

1909 (modern reprint) / Divination card game / 2+ players / UK


When I was stocking up on the classics, I kept the Chinese printers busy by purchasing a seemingly out-of-character deck of fortune-telling cards for secular enjoyment. I may have to attempt to justify it as some preemptive Roman numeral education for our daughter, but really, I just like the archaic, arcane, slightly creepy art. You could play a very slow game of cards with them too, provided you had good eyesight.

Unusually, the sealed pack I received was all jumbled out of order rather than factory-sorted in sequence, so I had to organise them to check they were all... oh hang on, I've just worked out what was going on there. I hope my uselessly vague forecast was bright. "Don't shop on eBay at 3am, go to bed." Sage advice like that.