1989 / Ebook / 64 pages
No productive excuses this time, just drawn by trashy nostalgia. A charming time capsule of retconned references and false assumptions in places, less so when singling out Geordi as "racially black" and thirsting over Tasha Yar.
2003 / Ebook / 160 pages
Not the funnest year to recap, even before the cancellation gloom.
2003 / Ebook / 8 pages
Skips over any aborted/truncated fifth season plans and goes straight to the Babylon 5 ending, with a liberal dollop of spiritual schmaltz to make the bereaved fans feel better.
2003 / Ebook / 24 pages
These supplementary races, scenarios and items are fairly incompatible with our non-sci-fi-comedy RPG of choice, but I noted down the reminder that we could do a 'Bodyswap' story.