Knightmare of Equestria
2024 / Roleplaying challenge game / 2+ players**
You won't find this amateur unauthorised RPG mashup in the shops, or even typed up neatly in a PDF, as it was all scribbled down on a notepad per tradition as my daughter's 5th birthday book. Along with supplementary printed templates to better visualise the perilous honeycomb paths and Corridor of Blades. That's one way to traumatise them into learning their left and right.
With no playtesting or proofreading, it was a little less smooth than I'd imagined, but I left space on the rule pages for inevitable troubleshooting. Keep arriving in the same damned place? Roll again. A descriptive Eyeshield passage is inappropriately scary, even though you wrote it and knew who you were writing it for? Improvise.
Oh well, the notebook's still mostly empty for drawing in, so it wasn't a completely duff present.