Wednesday 28 December 2022

Alrightreads: Little Ex Occidentes

R. B.  Russell, 
Bloody Baudelaire

2009 / Ebook / 72 pages / UK


Decadent revivalist soap opera in an atmospheric setting, shame about the ponces, and the inadequate proofreading baiting a supernatural red herring.

George Berguño, The Exorcist's Travelogue

2010-11 (collected 2011) / Ebook / 125 pages / USA


Tall tales from across Eurasia and down the halls of time.

Faves: 'Flaubert's Alexandrine,' 'A Chronicle of Repentance'

Adam S. Cantwell, A Pallid Wave on Shores of Night

2011 / Ebook / 93 pages / UK


An enigmatic opera of primordial secrets and uplifting visions. If only it was a full album.

Fave: 'Moonpaths of the Departed'

John Howard, Numbered as Sand or the Stars

2012 / Ebook / 64 pages / UK


Money literally talks. This would have been an interesting experiment in a longer collection of tales, but didn't feel especially deserving of the boutique release.

D. P. Watt, The Ten Dictates of Alfred Tesseller

2012 / Ebook / 79 pages / UK


That's more like it. I have a feeling this morbid tour through Earth's inevitable ruins is probably more profound when the end is nigh, so I'll try to remember and hopefully there'll be time.