Saturday 15 January 2022

Alrightgames: Lone Wolf, Book 1 – Flight from the Dark

Joe Dever, Lone Wolf, Book 1: Flight from the Dark

1984 / Adventure gamebook / 1 player / UK


An unforgiving introduction to the advanced children's gamebook series that unashamedly dazzled me in my 20s, this was a lot harder than I remembered, requiring arcade-game patience to keep starting over. Motivation to make it to the next books only lasted so long before I gave up for now. I'd only abruptly die again and have to start this whole thing over anyway.

This one in particular is notably short for its spine, so it can pack in a dense tangle of stray and valid paths. Though, with a map to follow, anyone who doesn't know their compass points would presumably have an even shorter adventure.