Friday 17 December 2021

Babyliography XIX

Rod Campbell, I'm Hungry

2003 / Library book / 14 pages / UK


There's nothing wrong with this flaps 'n' felt book, it just didn't have much to offer at this point, even with its attempt at a shock interactive ending. She was more excited to re-read Dear Zoo, which she has at home and has read several zillion times.

Unknown, Little Miss Pocket Library

2016 / Board books boxset / 48 pages / UK


I was disappointed at the slightness of her mini Mr. Men, but knew what we were in for this time: another of those boxsets she loves to tip out, read aloud herself through memorisation, then assemble into the tableau naming all the familiar and non-appearing characters. I am looking forward to becoming more intimately familiar with them than any of my own favourite things.

Zoe Waring, Peek-a-Boo Baby: Miaow

2021 / Library book / 10 pages / UK


It gets a point for the spelling, and it's nice to see some representation for hamsters, but it's a bit bizarre that a book featuring only five animals could only come up with identifiable sounds for three of them. She seemed to find the interactivity beneath her, but enjoyed the mechanical process of lifting flaps, as ever.

Jill Murphy, Just One of Those Days

2020 / Library book / 36 pages / UK


The bears were always better than the elephants, and this is more relatable anguish, divided across the whole family this time to cut the dad some slack.

Tiago Americo, My First Touch and Find: Beach

2019 / Library book / 10 pages / Brazil


Another unseasonal beach book, combining textures and near-page-size flaps with minor puzzles. She unnecessarily tidied each flap before continuing, even though they turn like pages anyway, which was pleasing. Drop litter around her at your peril.