Monday 23 September 2024

Alrightgames: My Little Pony – Tails of Equestria – The Secret of Starfall

My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria – Filly Sized Follies  The Secret of Starfall

2019 / Roleplaying game adventure / 2+ players


Though atmospheric, this bare framework could have done with expanding to a book on its own, but that would have meant losing the anthology format, and writer James Fleming encourages GMs to fill in the blanks ourselves. I'm getting more confident there, incorporating an unrelated non-franchise encounter to fill time on the journey and segueing in directly from our last adventure to help maintain the illusion of a cohesive "campaign." As with the other tails in this book, there's a rich setting, a nice lesson (though the four-year-old picked her side and saw no need for compromise) and more friendly NPCs who we may run into again.