James Van Hise and Hal Schuster, Trek: The Unauthorized Story of the Movies – From The Motion Picture to Generations
1995 / Ebook / 260 pages
Basically a self-aggrandising 90s fan blog, but with more typos.
1988 / Ebook / 258 pages
Early instalment weirdness has a special charm, and while these noble explorations beneath the surface of the poorly-defined ensemble would inevitably be contradicted in time, they didn't give her much to work with.
2012 / Ebook / 16 pages
Presumably a parody of objectively, obliviously worthless self-published fanfic, but done so well in that regard that it's hard to tell.
2006-09 (collected 2009) / Ebook / 138 pages
Infinitely more valuable than some random nerd's musings on the show, but as commendably frank. I eagerly awaited the original blog posts at the time and was disappointed that he didn't continue, even if the pop-culture Tourette's and Crackedspeak are a little grating now.