Sunday 3 July 2022

Dodecahedron of Doom

12 "stories" x 12 words

'No! Don't look into its eyes!' Mr Vernon implored the year fives.

'Are you Lazarus Rook, the occult detective?' the bloody cleric gasped.


'You're too late!' Stevens cackled over Judy's exsanguinated husk.

'Never mind then.'

Once upon a time, they lived happily ever after, until he exploded.

Fear gripped her, as did the rubber glove without a hand inside.

Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated; there were only two hellhounds.

He briefly reflected on the irony that he was now literally heartless.

'This is the mask,' the child demonstrated. 'See? My face goes here.'

'I said we should have made air holes,' the eyeless clown lamented.

On the bright side, you don't have to worry about headaches now.

'Abortion toasties again?' Jimmy grumbled.

'It's dark. Get it down,' Dad blubbed.

'Remember,' the professor unnecessarily reminded his protégé, 'we can't waste–'

'Too late.'