Friday 24 June 2022

Alrightreads: Comixxxxxxx

Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino, Gideon Falls, Book 2: The Eater of All Things

2019-20 (collected 2022) / 336 pages / Canada/Italy


The formerly eerie mystery collapses into a dimension-hopping zombie survival quest and even the art falls back on old tricks.

John Migliore and Bill Maus, Stargate: The New Adventures Collection

1997 / Ecomics / 64 pages / Canada/USA


An interesting but trite curio, the brief comics continuity between the film and the TV franchise takes some inspiration from Bill McCay's thoughtful literary sequels, when it's not content to be a kids' dumb action comic.

Viz, Viz: The Sausage Sandwich – Stuffed with the meat of issues 38 to 42

1989-90 (collected 1991) / Ebook / 127 pages / UK


There must be a golden age somewhere, they can't just put out the same old faintly amusing shit forever. Surely?

Faves: Zip O' Lightning, Holey Joe, Clumsy Claude.

Kristofer Straub, Starslip Crisis, Volume 1

2005-07 (collected 2007) / Ecomics / 176 pages / USA


A distinctive sci-fi comedy rather than the trite parody expected, the universe and arcs build nicely, but the humour's stuck in the orbit of the daily "funnies."

Alan Moore and artists, Alan Moore's Twisted Times

1980-83 (collected 1987) / Ebook / 64 pages / UK


Much stronger and more ambitious outings than the miscellaneous Future Shocks, the brief saga of Abelard Snazz and comically convoluted Time Twisters hint at greatness to come. It's a shame he didn't write more for kids, it makes for a refreshing reprieve from all the rape.

Faves: Time Twisters