A dead stuff special, set in one of the biggest Chinese graveyards outside of China and an old Portuguese church stolen by those thieving, plundering Dutch. God, I hate the Dutch. They should all go back where they came from. Wherever that is.
Bukit Cina
(Chinese Hill)
(Chinese Hill)
Masjid Al Hamideen and Muslim dead stuff
Chinese dead stuff, as far as the eye can see
Eng Choon Communal Ritual Tomb: lonely hilltop dead stuff
Sermon on the mount
Dave gets Eng Choon ('in tune')
some other desperate pun
Malacca in miniature (or maybe it's just perspective)
Bukit St Paul
(St Paul's Hill)
(St Paul's Hill)
St Paul, probably saying something wise like:
"Let the one who thinks he is standing be careful that he does not fall"
(1 Corinthians 10:12)
Thank God for the Bible
Fantastically decrepit St Paul's Church (1521)
Jolly tombstone
Sad tombstone
Cylon tombstone.
Yeah right, like 'Joanna Six' is a human name. Even the Dutch aren't that weird
Derelict building in Chinatown
A murder of crows
Alright, not literally. They were dead loud though
Novel progress: 14,423 words (28.8%)